About me

Léa Mvondo
Photographer: Jan Hettenkofer

Hey, I’m Léa and welcome to my project: La Ressource.

La Ressource – in English Resource – can be defined as:

  1. What solves a problem or a difficult situation
  2. The material means of living

On this blog, I aim to understand the solutions that exist to make food and agriculture more sustainable. I will explore science and meet experts who will provide us with answers to the following questions:

  • What is sustainable agriculture?
  • Can small-scale farming feed the world?
  • Is organic really organic?
  • What is the job of an agronomist?
  • What can people do to help support a more sustainable agriculture?
  • Should we all become farmers?
  • Is lobbying the fastest way to achieve change?
  • How do we grow tasty food?

My love for organic farming started in 2020 in a small, diverse farm located in South Sweden (with a small fruit and vegetable garden, free-roaming pigs, ducks, hens, roosters, geese, rabbits and turkeys). During one month, I learned how to weed, harvest fruit and vegetables, as well as feed and clean animals.

This experience made me realize the importance of sustainable agricultural practices as well as a food system that provides healthy products and respects the land and the humans who produce the food.

After that, I decided to write my Master’s thesis about the Business Models in Urban Farming. Interviewing a number of local producers gave me an excellent overview of the challenges faced when trying to balance quality, throughput and financial runway. This perspective was complemented by the first-hand observations I could make while volunteering at an urban farm producing microgreens.

Because I couldn’t stop there and was craving more hands-on experience, in 2022/2023, I went WWOOFING again. This time in Germany at SoLaWi Ferni under the supervision of my amazing and passionate hosts, Sophie and Michl.

Since then, I have decided to transform my passion into a career by joining the Sustainable Agriculture B.Sc. program at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences in Germany.

Welcome, to my journey through sustainable agriculture.

Léa 🌻.

Do you share the same passion? Feel free to start a chat at hello[at]la-ressource.org.